The next meeting of Atcham Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 12th March 2025 at 7.30pm in The Old Malthouse Memorial Hall.
Residents and members of the press are very welcome to join our meetings.
A public participation item is held to receive any representations, questions, requests or suggestions from parishioners. During the rest of the meeting, members of the public are welcome to observe but may only speak by direct invitation from the Chairman.
AGENDA - see drop-down menu. The agenda and any related public documents for each upcoming meeting will be published here no less than 3 clear days before that meeting. Paper copies of the agenda and minutes are also displayed on the notice board.
MINUTES - see drop-down menu. Please note that minutes are approved at the next meeting of the council or committee. Until they are approved, they are published in draft form and may be subject to alteration.
2025 - 8th January, 12th March, 14th May (Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Community Meeting), 9th July, 10th September, 12th November.